® to Provide Comprehensive Commercial Listings » Print® to Provide Comprehensive Commercial Listings®, operated by Move, Inc., and Xceligent, Inc., recently announced a strategic agreement to launch enhanced commercial search functionality on® the official website of the National Association of REALTORS®.

As a result of this agreement, in the third quarter of 2013, Xceligent-owned site will begin powering amplified commercial functionality on®.® users will have access to the hundreds of thousands of commercial listings Xceligent has aggregated into CommercialSearch from multiple sources including: its fully researched markets, hundreds of MLSs, CIEs (Commercial Information Exchanges) of every market size, and the majority of the top 50 companies who provide commercial listings in the country. This combined information availability has made CommercialSearch one of the largest content sources of any public facing commercial real estate marketing site.

“Over the last few years, we have seen increased investor activity in the residential housing market. Many career real estate investors begin by investing in residential and eventually transition into commercial as they expand their portfolios,” commented Errol Samuelson, president of®. “Enhancing our commercial real estate search bridges the information gap for residential real estate investors who cross over into the commercial space. CommercialSearch’s robust data set and primary sourced data made it a natural fit with® and its commitment to accuracy and the industry.”

That primary sourced data that will soon be available to® users comes from Xceligent’s flagship research product, CDX, which relies on hundreds of researchers proactively gathering information on every commercial building in a market. Currently in over 40 markets and rapidly expanding into the largest 65 markets, this data has helped create the foundation of CommercialSearch’s national listing content. Additionally, any agent in any U.S. market can currently contribute listings directly to CommercialSearch, thereby adding to the content that Xceligent’s research team is providing to CommercialSearch as a marketing benefit for the members of its main research system.

“®’s unparalleled credibility and reach paired with our unique ability to aggregate a national commercial inventory make this an alliance very powerful,” Xceligent CEO Doug Curry says. “We are confident that this agreement will provide an unrivaled value proposition through our new industry standard marketing platform and bring extraordinary exposure to the commercial listings marketed through CommercialSearch.”

For more information about® commercial listings or CommercialSearch, click here [1].

Article printed from RISMedia:

via RISMedia »® to Provide Comprehensive Commercial Listings

About robertjrussellcompanies

Robert has been helping individuals and business owners since 1985 and the Robert J Russell brand has spread to over 260 Licensed Insurance Agents/Brokers and over 40 Licensed Realtors all over the United States. * find out about me - visit
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1 Response to® to Provide Comprehensive Commercial Listings » Print

  1. now my news says:

    Really interested content you have in there.


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